CNMT Essay Competition 2024

Entries are now closed.

Prizes: $1,000 provided by the Canadian Naval Memorial Trust and a publication in Canadian Naval Review.

Submissions to Canadian Naval Review

The general rules are as follows:

  1. Articles, opinion pieces, book reviews and letters for publication in Canadian Naval Review may be submitted via email to or mailed (with an electronic copy) to the addresses listed on our contact page.

  2. Articles are to be in Microsoft Word .doc or .docx format and no longer than 3,000 words.

  3. Articles must not have been previously published elsewhere.

  4. The author is responsible for accuracy and authenticity of the material (see Important Notice below).

  5. Citations should be kept to a minimum and articles must be accompanied by a 100-120 word abstract.

  6. Opinion pieces are to be 1,000-1,500 words;

  7. Book reviews are to be 500-750 words;

  8. Intellectual copyright will remain the property of the author, however, the right to re-publish articles initially published in Canadian Naval Review remains with the Editorial Board.

For more details and information on how to enter, visit the Canadian Naval Review.


Bernice “Bunny” Mcintyre: The Wren with three service numbers.


National Defence and the preservation of HMCS Sackville