Resources & Education

Educational material, photos, videos, suggested reading material concerning the Battle of the Atlantic and naval related links are posted for your convenience and interest.

Education & Learning

Naval & Military History

  • The Nauticapedia Project is a group of volunteers dedicated to telling the stories of the maritime heritage of British Columbia, western and northern Canada, and Canada’s Naval Forces. Of particular interest to members of Canada’s Naval Memorial Trust is the searchable database of 28,000 biographies of naval personnel who served in or with the Canadian Navy, served in Canada, or were born in Canada. The website also contains more than 200 articles related to nautical heritage as well as fleet lists and nominal lists of personnel of Canadian naval units.

  • You will find all the German U-boats of both World Wars, their commanding officers and operations including all Allied ships attacked, technological information. Browse the large photo gallery and thousands of U-boat books and movies. A section covers the Allied forces their struggle with the U-boat threat, the Pacific war, all the Allied Warships, and Allied Commanding officers from all the major navies.

Historical Ships

  • This site honours both the ship and the enemy. Learn more about HMCS Alberni/U480.

  • This is an excellent site honouring another war veteran. Learn more about HMCS Haida.

Royal Canadian Navy

  • Learn all about the Royal Canadian Navy and more.

  • Learn more about the military history archive research room to view the collections and do primary research, or ask an expert for answers.

Links & Downloads

  • Navy League of Canada: Find out about this great community-led, volunteer-based organization, perhaps you could join?

    Naval Association of Canada: The Naval Association of Canada (formerly the Naval Officer’s Association of Canada) was established in 1945 by former regular and reserve force officers with the goal of providing a forum in which they could maintain their interest in and support for the naval service of Canada.

    The Crow’s Nest Officer’s Club, St. John’s NL: Visit the historic Crow’s Nest, the Sea Going Officers’ Club in downtown St. John’s, historic home for those who served on WWII North Atlantic convoy escort duties.

  • Maritime Museum of the Atlantic: It tells the story of Halifax, which was founded as a British Naval Base in 1749, and the western terminus of convoys supplying the Allies during the Battle of the Atlantic.

    Canadian War Museum: Visit the incomparable Canadian War Museum.

    The Military Museums of Calgary: Many interesting naval artifacts including such naval aircraft as the Sea Fury which flew from HMCS Magnificent

    The Naval Museum of Manitoba: Another Naval Museum from the prairies!

    The Naval Museum of Quebec: This is a well-designed site, with much to discover.

    Shearwater Aviation Museum: Visit this site to learn about the fabulous Shearwater Aviation Museum (SAM).

    Juno Beach Centre: Visit this amazing site, dedicated to our fighting men.

    War Monuments in Canada: This site lists all the war monuments in Canada by province. visit Nova Scotia and see the new memorial for the Merchant Navy. You will also find a description of the Halifax Sailors’ Memorial.

    Pere Museum